Project WATER IN OUR LIFE 

WORK PROGRAMME (activities)

1. Forming the Comenius team at school (17-09-2013)
2. Preparing a web site of the project at school (17-09-2013)
3. The promotion of the project in the local community thru mass media (08-10-2013)
4. Preparation of the panels with info about the project (30-09-2013)
5. Research on national water resources (23-09-2013 – 07-10-2013)
6. Students' preparation for the presentation of the national water resources (08-10-2013 – 25-10-2013)
7. Establishment of partnership agreements with schools and some related institutions from the local community in order to involve them in the process of dissemination and activities (15-10-2013: http://www.gymzr.cz)
8. The first project meeting: Darica 30-10-2013 – 4-11-2013:
- presenting the host school
 - team building activities involving teachers and students in international groups (a swimming contest among students & teachers) 
 - creating questions for a common questionnaire on water resources by students
 - presenting natural resources of each country (by students)
 - visiting a dam site
 - exchange of ideas about the unfolding of the following project activities and assigning responsibilities for the next three months
 - writing an evaluation report of the meeting by the host country and publishing it on the web site

9. Brainstorming on creating the project poster (05-11-2013)
 - dissemination of the objectives, activities and of the first project meeting (15-11-2013)
10. Applying the questionnaire at least to 30 people in each country (17-01-2014)
11. Meeting local experts on water resources (20-03-2014)
12. Winter consumption measurements of water at home and at school (weekly, 4 weeks, 20 houses/flats and school) (10-03)
 - evaluating winter measurements (17-03-2014)
13. The second project meeting: Las Palmas 24-3-2014 – 29-3-2014:
- presenting the host organization 
 - comparing the results of the questionnaire on national water resources
 - presentation of winter results by students
 - visiting the water experiments technical museum in the city
 - doing some water activities as a team building activity - teachers and students from different countries (mixed groups) together
 - exchange of ideas about the unfolding of the following project activities and assigning responsibilities for the next three months

14. Publishing the activities on the web page 
 - dissemination of the objectives, activities and results of the second project meeting (11-4-2014) 
15. Excursions to water sources, visiting exhibitions on water resources or preparing an exhibition on water resources at school (14-04-2014)
16. The third project meeting: Tychy 2-6-2014 – 7-6-2014:
- presenting the host organization
 - meeting an expert on water resources 
 - doing some water activities as a team building activity – teachers and students together in multinational groups
 - visiting a water treatment station
 - exchange of ideas about the unfolding of the following project activities and assigning responsibilities for the next three months

17. Measuring the consumption of water at homes/flats (at least 20) in summer (20-06-2014)
 - activities of analysis of the results obtained after the first project year (25-06-2014)
 - evaluation of the impact of the activities upon the target group and the local community through opinion polls (25-06-2014)
18. Elaboration of an improvement plan and review upon the working strategy if the case may be
 - publishing of the unfolded activities on the webpage (30-06-2014)
19. Updating project teams at each school (05-09-2014)
20. Evaluation of summer measurements and comparing them with winter measurements (20-09-2014)
21. The fourth project meeting: Palermo 8-12-2014 – 13-12-2014
- presenting the host organization
 - presentations of both measurements (summer and winter) by students
 - brainstorming on topics for CLIL lessons and deciding the topics for each country by teachers
 - doing some water activities as a team building activity with teachers and students in multinational groups (ice skating!)
 - exchange of ideas about the unfolding of the following project activities and assigning responsibilities for the next three months

22. Teachers' or students' preparation for their CLIL lessons (except the Czech school)
23. Searching for qualities of water and how to measure it (density/flow/temperature/conductivity/cleanness/composition) (06-03-2015)
24. Presenting the CLIL lessons at each school beforehand (except the Czech school)
25. Finding ways on how to reduce water consumption at school and at home (21-04-2015)
26. Meeting an expert on how to save water at each school (15-01-2015)
27. The meeting in Chania was cancelled because the Greek school was not approved for the project!
- presenting the host organization
 - presentations of how to reduce water consumption by students -> Brno meeting
 - CLIL lessons for local classes by guest teachers or guest students -> Brno meeting
 - finding mottoes with students for a common commercial on reducing water consumption (12-12-2014) Palermo meeting
 - exchange of ideas about the unfolding of the following project activities and assigning responsibilities for the next three months

28. Watching films, plays or acting on reducing water consumption 1 2 3 (17-03-2015)
 - recording a short video on reducing water consumption by students (31-03-2015)
 - shooting the short video for the common commercial (20-04-2015)
29. The fifth project meeting: Brno 3-5-2015 – 8-5-2015
- presenting the host organization
 - creating a common video-commercial
 - competitions of the short videos recorded locally by each school with a topic of water consumption involving both teachers and students from different countries
 - doing some water activities as a team building activity including teachers and students altogether (aqualand)
 - exchange of ideas about the unfolding of the following project activities and assigning responsibilities for the next three months
    The sixth project meeting: Fethiye 13-6-2015 – 16-6-2015
- presenting the progress of the project
    - preparing the final report
    - visiting water resources 
30. Evaluation of the impact of the project activities at the personal, institutional and community levels through opinion polls (30-06-2015)
 - elaboration of the final report and submission to the National Agencies (31-07-2015)
 - dissemination of the knowledge acquired in the local community (23-06-2015)
 - loading information about our project on the European Shared Treasure link (15-08-2015)


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. 
This web page reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission 
cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made 
of the information contained therein.

Tento projekt byl realizován za finanční podpory Evropské unie.
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