Project WATER IN OUR LIFE 


1. web site with info on the Comenius team (17-9-2013)
2. article on water resources on the web – local portfolio (LP) (26-10-2013)
3. plan of the 1st year (inc. cooperation and communication among teams) – common portfolio (CP) (1-11-2013)
4. comparison of water resources of countries – CP (31-1-2014)
5. questionnaire on water resources as a group activity by teachers and students – CP (4-11-2013)
6. report as a result of the questionnaire applied to 30 people in each country and publishing it on the web – LP (17-2-2014)
7. presentation of the local experts on water resources on the web – LP (20-3-2014)
8. data of winter measurements on water consumption carried out at houses and school – LP (28-2-2014)
9. report on winter measurements, preparing tables and charts and publishing them on the web sites of each school – LP (17-3-2014)
10. the progress report together with all partners – CP (1-4-2014)
11. comparison of the results of the questionnaire on water resources – CP (30-4-2014)
12. excursion to a water treatment station – LP (14-4-2014)
13. evaluation report with all the partners – CP (11-06-2014)
14. data of summer measurements of water consumption from the houses and school – LP (20-06-2014)
15. notice-board of the school with articles, photos, and some information of the project (re-designing) (25-06-2014)
16. self-evaluation report by each partner school – LP (25-06-2014)
17. report on summer measurements of water consumption, preparing charts and tables and publishing them on the web site – LP (03-09-2014)
18. comparison of water consumptions in summer with the consumptions in winter (preparing charts and tables and publishing them on web site of each school) – LP (20-09-2014)
19. plan of the 2nd year – CP (11-06-2014)
20. list of CLIL lessons – CP (10-12-2014)
21. report on presentations and measurements – CP (20-01-2015)
22. searching for qualities of water and how to measure them (flow, temperature, conductivity, cleanness, composition) – LP (25-01-2015)
23. charts and tables on qualities of water and publishing them on the web site of each school – LP (20-04-2015)
24. article on water production on web – LP (27-12-2014)
25. presentation of CLIL lessons at each partner school by teachers or students (except the Czech school)
26. suggesting ways on how to reduce water consumption – LP (21-04-2015)
27. some information and photos of the meeting an expert on saving water on web – LP (15-01-2015)
28. excursion to an aquaculture research and production centre – LP (27-05-2015)
29. progress report all together with each partner school – CP (20-01-2015)
30. suggesting ways on how to reduce water consumption – CP (04-05-2015)
31. photos and videos of the international discussion on how to reduce water consumption on the web – CP (04-05-2015)
32. mottoes (by students) for preparing a common commercial on water consumption – CP (12-12-2014)
33. presentation of CLIL lessons to host classes by guest teachers or students - taking photos and videos from the lesson and publishing – CP (04-05-2015)

34. publishing the events such as exhibitions, or plays with water consumption topic on web – 1 2 3 LP (17-03-2015)
35. short video (!) or commercial on saving water by students – LP (31-03-2015 and 20-04-2015)

36. watching the videos or commercials (35) recorded by the students all together and preparing a competition among them – CP (04-05-2015)
37. common commercial with multilingual subtitles – CP

      progress report
from Brno – CP (08-05-2015)
38. self-evaluating report – LP (30-06-2015)
39. going through the coordinators' notebook –  LP (15-07-2015) 
40. dissemination of some information about the project by publishing an article on a local newspaper, designing the notice-board, organizing seminars and meetings at school and other schools to present the products of the project – LP (23-06-2015)
41. final report (31-07-2015)



This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. 
This web page reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission 
cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made 
of the information contained therein.

Tento projekt byl realizován za finanční podpory Evropské unie.
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